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miercuri, 12 octombrie 2011

Ultima repetitie,ultimele cantece...ultimele zile

Azi am avut ultima repetitie si a fost foarte distractiv... Ca de obicei am cantat,am dansat,ne-am simtit bine...pauzele au fost mult mai scurte..defapt.. a fost doar una :)) si in rest am repetat incontinuu. A fost destul de obositor deoarece suntem cu totii stresati de cum va iesi noua sceneta..dar speram sa fie bine..
E miercuri deci.. in 2 zile deja vom fi in drum spre... POLONIA! Abia asteptam sa plecam,sa descoperim lucruri noi,sa avem o noua experienta  si desigur sa ne vedem prietenii din celelalte tari.. asa ca... Polonia pregateste-te ca venim!!!


Today I had the last rehearsal and was very fun ... As usual we sang, we danced, we felt good ... breaks were much shorter .. actually .. was only one:)) and the rest I repeated continuously. It was tiring because we are all stressed and we do not know how will be the new sketch
So it's Wednesday .. in two days we are already on the way to ... POLAND! Can not wait to leave, to discover new things, to have a new experience and of course to see our friends from other countries .. so ... Poland, get ready because we come!

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